Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tetraic - Yet Another Game Jam Post Mortem

Stage organized yet another game jam. This time it was a Windows Phone 7 game jam in collaboration with another club. It was also my fifth game jam in a time span of 14 months. Traditionally I've written about my experiences and/or my game, and this time is no exception.

1. The Concept

Our theme this time was "opposites". I was at my friend's housewarming party when the theme was released. It's not really the best environment to come up with game ideas but at least I was able to ask a lot of people for different pairs of opposites. The game I ended up with uses opposites in a couple of ways but was more or less inspired by the possibly most ridiculous idea "left and right". My actual game idea originated from Triple Triad, which to this day is the best minigame ever. For those who don't know it, it's a collectible card game in Final Fantasy VIII with absolutely elegant gameplay. Cards are laid down on a 3x3 grid. Each card has a value from one to ten on each of its sides. When placing a card, it flips over any cards that have lower values on opposing edges. Keyword: opposing.

No one was really interested in my idea after the pitching session. Most teams had been formed before it anyway while I was at the party. Fortunately for me, a group of us went to get some pizza to further develop our ideas. I refined my idea while rest of the guys were eating and started explaining it in more detail. It sounded pretty crazy at the time. The concept in all simplicity was Triple Triad meets Lumines. Tiles will drop in square blocks of four. Each tile has a number on each of its sides. Upon falling down, a tile eradicates all tiles that have lower numbers on opposing edges. Blocks will break down like in Lumines so that tiles will never hover in the air. Tiles that have equal numbers on opposing edges form chains; if one tile in a chain is destroyed, the entire chain goes with it. The concept sounded like it had enough mindfuck to be worth a try.

There was just one little problem. Displaying numbers on each side of a small tile would look *messy*. First we thought to use different colors, but they would be rather hard to learn. The best idea won: use different shades of grey. It's easy to learn that the darker the color, the stronger the number. This also had another benefit which was discovered later. We judged that this project had work for only one programmer, which would be myself, so setting up the project was easy. Without even starting my laptop, I decided that there was enough of a plan to go with, and went back to the party. Here's a piece of wisdom: even though 48 hours is not a lot of time, quitting early on the first day is often a good idea. You'll have a much more refined idea of your game when you come back after a night's sleep and you still have a lot of time to work on it. Just make sure you really want to work on this idea before quitting and that it seems feasible to you, all things considered.

2. Tetraic

I love block dropping puzzles and their relatives. They are challenging to design and fun to play when done well. Here's the result from this game jam.

The working title was TetraBlocks (because the blocks have, well, four significant sides) and since the tiles together look like a mosaic, coming up with the final title was easy. The design on the other hand was only a partial success. The way the game was designed, i.e. tiles become active (able to destroy other tiles) every time they move, resulted in combos that made it really hard to lose. Next to impossible really. Nevertheless, the game is in fact quite nice to play and using shades of grey it is not actually that confusing. Sure, it's still a little hard to keep up with everything that's going on, but that's part of the design. Notice how using shades of grey allowed us to highlight chains with other colors.

In the beginning there was one glaring problem: due to my choice of mechanics a block that has a strong value on its bottom side will typically just smash through everything else. I had to implement a mechanism against this that was not very elegant: the bottom side is weakened every time it defeats another block. The less elegant part is that this doesn't apply for other sides (again for gameplay reasons). I'm still trying to come up with ideas to put challenge into the game without adding complexity and exceptions. The key mechanic itself is promising enough to warrant further design effort. This is another lesson for jammers: don't expect a great design from your game jam. A functioning concept is often enough and really all you'll get done.

3. Love debugging, or else...

Last time I was doing programming at a game jam I burned out pretty bad. This time it might have happened as well. While the game concept is quite simple in Tetraic, all sorts of rules for dropping and erasing blocks can cause a lot of bugs. And it did. I spent like half of all the time I had for debugging on Saturday. A few bugs took hours to solve. But somehow I didn't get frustrated like I usually do. The thing is this: when you are in the right mindset, debugging is in fact pretty damn fun and rewarding. Sure, you're still cleaning up your own mess but... try not to think about it too much. Everyone makes mistakes in programming - in fact, if you don't, then you're probably not learning much. Game jams are typically recipes for arcane bugs that can drive people insane. I always start with great intentions and good code design, but the end result is usually pretty far from it.  There is not time for complete refactoring when it's called for.

From my experiences, the best way to deal with a tough bug is to share it. It doesn't matter with whom, just talk about the bug aloud. Explain what you think happens. Doing this will help you get your own gears moving. When explaining something aloud, your brain can no longer fill in the gaps that existed in your theory while it was only in your head. This also applies to design. We have a tendency to assume things work as intended, even though nothing in a theory or design actually takes it into consideration. In debugging, we think we know what happens in the code, when we really do not fully know. We assume it does what it was intended to do. This gets especially bad when you are absolutely sure that one particular piece of your code cannot possibly be wrong.

Of course it is always annoying to be unable to finish your game or polish enough because some nasty bug takes away hours of your development time. But this is what happens in game jams so learn to deal with it. Of course, having programming experience does help tremendously and even though starting with great code design is usually a vain attempt to keep things organized, it does always help. In particular, object-oriented programming is a staple in game development. Coding too many interactions into one object is a recipe for disaster. Finding the culprit is so much easier if every one of your screen object maps into a code object. It is also so much easier to modify game rules if all pieces act independently. Most importantly though, remember that debugging can also be fun.


When I have the time, I'll try and continue development of Tetraic. Turning it into a fully functional design seems like a fun challenge. I'll probably port if from WP7 to HTML5. I don't even own a Windows Phone and block dropping games are much better with a gamepad or keyboard than touch screen. With all these game jams and promising prototypes it's just getting hard to decide which one to work on. Oh and the next game jam is like three months away...

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